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A lighting management system is used to control the lighting installed in a premise to save electricity and manage the energy usage efficiently. The system comprises sensors attached in a loop, which help in manual and r...

Life science deals with the scientific study of organisms such as microorganism, human being, and animals. It includes broad range of areas of study such as biology, anatomy, health sciences, and medical sciences. The so...

Life science and chemical instrumentation is used in research & development activities in industrial laboratories, biotechnology industry, pharmaceutical industries, and academic institutes. It is also used in testing th...

Lidocaine ointment is an analgesic agent, which is used to relieve pain by blocking nerve signals in the body. The ointment is used to reduce pain and discomfort caused by skin irritants such as insect bites, sun burn, m...

Lidocaine hydrochloride is an anesthetic compound that acts by stabilizing the neuronal membrane by inhibiting ionic fluxes. These are required for the initiation and conduction of nerve impulses, which then performs the...

Lemon eucalyptus is a tree commonly known as citron-scent gum tree. Oil is extracted from the leaves of this tree for a variety of purposes such as application to the skin as an insect repellent or medicine. Major factor...

High-brightness LED drivers are integrated circuits that are optimized to efficiently drive strings of high-brightness LEDs. These types of lighting find their usage in general-purpose, low-voltage architectural lighting...

Leak detector is an electronic device used to sense and detect the leakage of oil & gas. These devices are installed in factories, homes, and commercial complexes, as safety systems to detect the leakage and notify the a...

Lead is a soft, dense, and low-melting metal used as a significant component of the automotive battery. As it is water resistant, lead is also used in paints to develop long-lasting roofing material and in the plumbing i...

Latex is a natural material extracted from flowering plants. It can also be artificially manufactured by polymerizing monomer such as styrene, which is emulsified by surfactants. It is utilized to manufacture latex glove...

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