Information & Communication Technology


A GPS bike computer is a navigation device that can be mounted on the handlebars of a bicycle. This cycling computer receives satellite signals through GPS and helps users to monitor their rides and track their cycling p...

Digital marketing is the most active and the fastest growing marketing technique. The growth can be attributed to global digitalization trend.ĂŠEvery minute, an estimated 650,000 search queries are raised on Google, more...

PROFINET (acronym for Process Field Net) is an industry technical standard for data communication over Industrial Ethernet, designed for collecting data from, and controlling, equipment in industrial systems, with a part...

PROFIBUS (Process Field Bus) is a standard for fieldbus communication in automation technology. The history of PROFIBUS goes back to a publicly promoted plan for an association which started in Germany in 1986 and for wh...

Power over Ethernet or PoE describes any of several standard or ad-hoc systems which pass electric power along with data on twisted pair Ethernet cabling. This allows a single cable to provide both data connection and el...